19/03/19 was one of our first scale ups for our brand development project and an important one it was as were explained the key factors to building a desirable brand! Within the scale-up it bought up some interesting points, the following is my key takings I gathered for my own brand:
- My brands will need to reflect what’s happening in the environment and therefore it is important I am aware of social, political, economical factors. In this current uncertain climate it is imperative my brand is transparent.
- There has been a rise in Civic brands which are known to step in where government s are failing and acting as forces for good in society, if I were to go down this route it is likely t would allow me to offer an authentic message.
- Brand - philosophy - consumer = all need to align to create consistency and a clear message!
- I also discovered Keller's brand equity model, this was useful to understand how a brand would go about developing strong brand equity and I will ensure I consider this when developing my brand to create commercial value!
