Keller Model Interview
Bishop, K. and Friend, H. (2018). Shibboleth Authentication Request. [online] Available at:...
On Tuesday, after many late nights and early mornings in the library I finally finished my entire brand launch-pack! In order to avoid...
In order to ensure I develop a brand which will be desirable and obtain strong brand equity I have utilised Keller's brand equity model....
I was very aware that I needed to conduct primary research to continue the development of my brand and gain current and relevant consumer...
Yesterday was probably one of the highlights of this entire project as it was finally the day when everyone's hard work was presented. As...
Today was a fun day for my brand development as I got to assist Emily on her official photoshoot for final outfit. It was a beautifully...
Today we got the chance to present our brand exhibition boards as a touch point, to get feedback and improve before we officially present...
Yesterday I decided to meet up with Emily to show her my exhibition boards as she is still yet to see anything I've done. She was really...
Today Dom, Rose and I had the exciting opportunity to go into 1st year FMB's lecture and tel them about the fashion in the hope that they...
Today me Dom, Rose and Annie met up to being producing the programme. Although I knew I wouldn't be much help on indesign as Dom, Rose...
The first logo is the one I blogged previously and is the first logo I created using the brand name Moody. After my presentation...
Today was a busy day of event prepping. Dom, Rose and I first port of call was to put up the posters that they both designed. We went...
Today we had our second team meeting for the fashion show! Within this meeting we did some delegating. The roles were split into about 4...
On Thursday (25/04/19) I had the opportunity to present all my current ideas of the direction I believe my brand should go in back to my...
Coming up with these two parts of the brand positioning felt like an integral part as they set the standard for the brand and are a...
Producing a brand positioning is an essential part to understand where my brand will sit in the market and where I would like to see it...
On the April 28th we had our very first group meeting as the advertising and promotion team to configure an action plan of how we would...
I'm at the point in my brand development where I need to come up with a story which reflects the direction my brand is going in and is a...
When meeting with Emily she identified her target consumer as women aged 25-35, who enjoy quirky styles, travelling and have quite lot of...